Body for Life and Me

Saturday, January 27, 2007

April Fool in January ?????

I have a little story to share that just reminded me of the EXPO!!!!When my foster son Dale was about 5 years old we played an Aprils fools joke on him. He thought that was so great to have a day to play jokes on people. Unfortunetly Dale didn't quit get the meaning of April 1st /april fools day came once a year. Dale played April fool jokes on use rather often and would say April Fool with such a great big smile you just couldn't get mad, just made you love him more. I wonder????
If EAS is pulling an April Fool joke on us in January??? Maybe they will going us along until the night of the Gala and then anounce :There are NO New Champion Winners!!! April FOOL!!!Hum!!!! I wonder??????? LOL
Just something funny that crossed my mind in the heated wait to hear who the New Champions are. Guess it wouldn't be too funny huh???
Always in the spirit of BFL, yep, even at 6am( I woke up thinking this) Love,Your CheerleaderGET*HER*DONE LINDA


  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Udenia said…

    Linda, You are the CHAMP as far as I am concerned! You are a shining example of what BodyForLife is ALL ABOUT and I know alot more people feel like that!

    So keep your head up and walk with pride, you deserve it! Your smokin, heck, I have to catch up!



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