Body for Life and Me

Saturday, October 21, 2006

BFL EVENTS, Don't miss out, Plan NOW!

Seems like I just returned home from the best vacation in the world, the body for life cruise, then it was time for the Tennessee Champions Weekend, Can't say which was best, they were both an event I never want to miss again. Now we are preparing for the news of when the Fantastic EAS/Body for Life Expo will be and when, I missed the 1st one but was lucky enough to be on the phone with our very own loveable Jerry Braam and got to hear the hoop de la that went on at the Gala when they anounced Aaron Ferguson as the million dollar winner. It was so exciting I don't plan on missing it this year, Hey I'm already packing.!
But I want to mention that with the holidays around the cornor
It's not to early, in fact, now is the time to start planning for the next CFL CruiseWho is going with us to build Summer of 2007 HighPoint memories ?
. . . just call Cam to reserve at the 800 number below. . . I say call now, because you don't want the holidays to rush by and then you are left out, DO as I say, GET*HER*DONE NOW!!!!

3rd Annual Champions-for-LIFE Cruise

Monday May 21-26, 2007
5 Day cruise Sailing. . . to the West Indies!
( Turks, Grand Turks, Caicos, Nassau, And Half-Moon CAY)

I hope you can all join us for the next Lifetime Adventure in 2007
Until Then,
Jerry Braam
Last year Marc Bennett was documented as the VERY 1st to officially reserve passage!
Who will be this year's 1st ????

Cam Thieme(Group Travel Expert)Great Southern Travel3424 South National Avenue,Springfield, MO 65807417-888-4488 ext. 2170800-749-7116 office417-888-4450

I went in 2006 and was so sorry I had missed the very first cruise in 2005, Trust me it is an experiece you won't forget and won't ever want to miss againThis is YOUR CHANCE to meet all your BFL Champions and ChallengersIt's supportive, inspiring, energizing and funStart planning now and call Cam and set down your cabin depoist todayI promise you will be sorry if you miss this event, they get better every year.
Always in the Spirit of Body for Life
your Body for Life Cheerleader

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tennessee Champions Weekend in Knoxville

Here's the link to my Photos from the Tenn Ch wkend,
Note it will show the cruise pics, then at the top of the page it says Tennessee Chs Wkend pics, click on it and the Tenn pics will pop up for you to see.

hope you enjoy them

What a fantastic weekend, Better then I ever thought it could be. 4 hrs total sleep for a weekend just doesn't cut it for me, WOW< I can't believe I stayed up all night,I haven't done that in 25 years, haha, I felt like A teenager again, thanks to all my young friends that let the ole lady hang out with ya'll. I had a blast and a 1/2 I barely slept the night before, I just didn't want to miss anything. I met soooooooo many wonderful Lifers, it was increadible, I just had an awesome weekend. I wanted to send out this special Thank you to everyone of you, I know in my heart that everyone of you is just that wonderful, but you made me feel like you were all just bending over backwards to make my weekend perfect! and It was, I couldn't have dreamed up a better weekend. So many people, all so different ,all so touching , all with a different story to tell from all walks of life and yet all together in one common bond, BODY FOR LIFE! . Thanks you Stephanie for all you did to make this weekend so awesome Thanks Jackie and Robert for all you did to help get me here, I really enjoyed the ride and the company, you guys are wonderful. Thanks Beka for the Git R done cap, I wore it to teach the aerobic class, so sorry you had to leave, wish I could have had more time with you., I love the cap sooo much, I'll wear it alot and cherish it! I feel like a little teeny bobber in it and trust me at 52 that's a great feeling!, hehe Thanks Deana for reminding me that age is just a silly little number . You are awesome and I enjoyed spending time with you.Thanks for all the great pics everyone is sharing, they are all so awesome. Thanks to all of you for making my weekend soooooo very special, I am so privilaged to have such a wonderful BFL family,I had the best 2 roommates, Shelli and Michelle, I enjoyed our get together in the rooms. I loved meeting everyone of you. you are all so inspiring and special to me. Michelle, A very special thank you for all your encouragement, Wow, I can't believe I got up in front of everyone and spoke from my heart. I could never have done it with out you, I'll always remember your encourageing words, "you want to be a champion, act like one and get up there and just do it!!" I love you all, Love Always, and stay in the spirit of BFL, and keep gettin her done! Love, GET*HER*DONE LINDA

Sunday, October 01, 2006