LOOK, I just made a little movie of the cruise with a special song that I singI made a little movie from a few of my cruise pictures and I added a special song to it, Bill re-wote the words for me to 9 to 5 and we used that music and I sang it while making this new slide show.I hope you enjoy it, I had a blast making it, even though I can't carry a note to my coach in a gym bag, hahI was going to to this for the talent show on the cruise but we never got around to having a talent show so I made this little movieGo to my photobucket pictures and go to the last picture on the last page, page 11 it's pic #206, it's a pic of Bill and me on Formal night, click on the pic and wait and turn up your volume and enjoy the show.
Always In the BFL spiritLove,GET*HER*DONE LINDAhttp://s78.photobucket.com/albums/j100/GETHERDONELINDA