Body for Life and Me

Sunday, May 14, 2006


The RBS Pledge

When I grow healthy and fit I shall wear red..the most powerful color of all.

When I grow healthy and fit I shall wear red...the most powerful color of all. My wardrobe will include a hot, lipstick red bikini to wear with pride on my strong, lean and toned body.

While others are snoozing in their chair, or too lazy to get up I will be first in line for a cardio machine at the gym.

When others go back for seconds, and thirds... I will continue to eat six, balanced meals a day to fuel my body so that I may work each muscle to its full potential.

While others shake their heads in sorrow and mourn their fading youth... I will proclaim; "age" is but a state of mind.

Each new day I will rejoice in the power of mind, body and spirit and do everything in my power to meet my golden years with a playful attitude wrapped in grace.

When others say they can't... I will be the first to say, hey let's try!

There are those who might think bikinis are inappropriate for a woman of a certain age...but their thoughts bare no truth!

With a wink and a smile I'll show them real proof....

I'll search high and low and find that perfect suit and wear with pride... a hot, lipstick red bikini because girl I've nothing to hide!

(C) 2005 RBS

The RBS Creed
As members of the Red Bikini Society it will be our duty to
share the secrets to greater physical, mental and spiritual health...with others, so that they too may say, "When i grow healthy and fit, I shall wear RED!"


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