Body for Life and Me

Sunday, May 14, 2006


How it all began

Never in her wildest imagination did Michelle Lee ever think that she would one day create a Society, dedicated to the empowerment of women seeking to regain their health and fitness. Nor did she dare dream that in her 50's she would one day proudly wear...with a "wink and a smile, a hot, lipstick red bikini because should could!"
But that's exactly what did happen... thanks to one amazing weekend in Golden, Colorado.

In Early October of 2003 Michelle Lee attended an Energy Camp for Women sponsored by EAS(tm).* Fat and 51 years old, Michelle was struggling unsuccessfully to regain her health and fitness. Prior to attending Energy Camp she had spent nearly a decade struggling with a laundry list of illnesses. Her growing list of medically diagnosed illnesses included Fibromyalgia, Depression, Sleep Apnea, peri-menopause and Obesity.

Until recently Michelle relied on her Doctors to fix her. Thus began ten years of pills and treatments. Despite the best medical treatment available her symptoms worsened along with her weight. When the big "5-0" came and went, Michelle's weight hit 190 pounds. Barely fitting into a size 16 and shopping at stores for full figured women she was about it give up her goal of regaining her health. Then a friend told her about the Body for Life fitness program.

BFL was created by body builder, Bill Phillips who wanted to share his knowledge of fitness with average Americans struggling to get a handle on their fitness. Phillips created the first 12 week transformation challenge with money and prizes to encourage Americans to get fit. His book, "Body for Life 12 weeks to mental and physical strength" offers a step by step plan to adopt a lifestyle based on balanced nutrition, exercise, resistance training and supplementation. It is among one of the most successful weight loss and fitness books ever published.

Michelle's friend had such a remarkable transformation using Bill's program that she decided to try the program. The day Michelle decided to "change her mind and change her body" she bought the Body for Life book and a copy of Energy Magazine for Women published by EAS(tm). A small advertisement in the magazine mentioned EAS(tm) was holding an Energy Camp for women.
Michelle applied and was accepted.

The three day camp in Golden, Colorado exposed Michelle to new ideas about balanced nutrition, exercise, weight resistance training and supplementation. She also got the message it really is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own health.

The camp attracted twenty women from around the nation with the same grow healthy and fit. Following that weekend many of those campers began their own BFL fitness challenges. The Energy campers remain in touch and continue to cheer one another on in their many accomplishments. They continue to live the BFL lifestyle and grow stronger and more beautiful....each day as a result of their camping experience.

As for Michelle, today she has given away her size 16 dresses and now wears a size six. She is free of the symptoms of medical problems that had plagued her during the decade of her 40's. Her Doctors are amazed at her transformation and so are the folks at EAS(tm). They named Michelle Lee their 50+ Grand Champion of its 2004 Body for Life Transformation Challenge.

Michelle and the women who attended the EAS Energy Camp make up the "First String" chapter of the Red Bikini Society.


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