And the Winner is: GET*HER*DONE LINDA
I am still in Awh!, I can't believe I did it, but I did!
I entered the Lifers website 8 week Forum Contest and WON! website was having an 8 week challenge for the members that post on the website. It would begin August 15,2005 and End October9.2005. I enteredmy status and entry photos and began to increase my cardio a little and increase the amount of wt I was lifting and said Let's just see if I can really really make a change in this old body of mine. I was going along fine and then at the end of August Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It was more then a nightmare, something I never dreamed I would see in my life time. It was called the worste natural disaster in the United States.
Our family and home made it thru the storm with only minor damage and Thank God!, It was 90 degrees in the shade and we had no electric which also meant no water, b/c we have an electric well. I continued my journey thru out the devestation and did all my Hiits and Hiit my 10's while jogging my 2 mile run down our rd. Neighbors thought I was nuts, but I continued on , I just wanted to GET*HER*DONE!! and I did!
I drove around town a few times to find friends with electric to use their computer so I could update my log and e-mail my after photos for the contest.
Although I did the contest for me, I have to admitt I was having alot of fun, pretending I was a real athlete and bodybuilder that was training for A Big competition, lol!
When the webmaster listed the names and set up the pictures on the website of the 5 winners I was knocked off my weightbench to see my name and picture as the WINNER!
This has been an unbelievable and unforgettable moment in my Life. You just can't dream how happy I was and still am and how proud I feel that I acomplished a great achievement that I set out to do. It's been over a month and I still can't get the smile off my face. Now I see what a 12 week challenge can accomplish and what a 8 week contest can prove to be a mindset that says I CAN DO IT, If I put my mind to it, I CAN GET*HER*DONE
I am now working on looseing more Body Fat and gaining more muscle definition. I see and know now what it takes, the didipline , the nutriant and the determination that says I want this bad enough to get it.
I know now that I can even improve more. I was certified thru both ACE and AFFA for Aerobic Dance and taught for 15 years,
now at the perfect age in my life (51) I am plANNING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BODYBUILDING AND THINKING ABOUT BECOMING A CERTIFIED pERSONAL tRAINER. My goal is to be in the bst shape of my life at age 52 and teach the Body for Life Lifestyle , become a spokesperson for BFL and to be one of the 15 finialist for the 2006 BFL challenge championship.
I think of it this way, If you are going to dream, have sweet dreams and then don't be too surprised when your dreams come true, because when you reach and not just wish upon a star, Dreams really do come True!!
At 5:04 PM,
Wolfie said…
Way to go Linda! You are a great inspiration to us all!
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